Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Humble Hobbits

The one race that was not given any rings was the hobbits. These people were small, humble, and had no wish to know or be known by the world outside their Shire. They only grow to about 3ft-4ft tall, and they never wear shoes because they have very hairy and tough feet that make up for shoes and socks. They usually have curly brown hair. They do not love high places, so they live in the ground. They make homes out of hills, and around them they plant beautiful gardens. For all hobbits have a love of the earth and things that come from it.They also love food, they have six meals a day (not counting snacks in between) and they love a good smoke and ale. Because of their simple ways they are often overlooked by many, and they do not mind, for all they wish is to be left alone, and not to have any adventures. Even so, hobbits end up being the saviors of Middle Earth. 

How did this happen? How is that the smallest being came to save Middle Earth from one of the greatest evils ever? For most strong men, elves, and even dwarfs fall to the control of the ring in a short amount of time. How is it that a hobbit was able to go from the Shire all the way to Mount Doom and destroy the Ring without falling (until the end if you want to get particular, for Frodo wanted to keep the Ring, but the Ring was still destroyed.) 

I think that a good explanation would be that hobbits do not have any rings that falls under the power of the one Ring. Therefore they are stronger than other races that are bound to the one Ring. Another reason that I like is that hobbits are the most humble of all the races of Middle Earth. And the Ring, (which is a symbol of pride and power) has little power over them. All hobbits want is to be left alone, not to be the ruler of all the races. 

This is how I believe hobbits are able to carry this burden. Without the unseen little people of the Shire, where would Middle Earth be today? Lost in Shadow.