In the third age of Middle Earth, Gondor was ruled by Stewards. One steward named Denethor had two sons, Boromir and Faramir. Boromir was the elder, and he was very much like Denethor. He was strong, proud, and stubborn. He loved the people of Gondor, and won many battles for them. So in a sense Boromir was the "boar" while Faramir was "fair" (horrible pun I know!)
Faramir was unlike both Boromir and Denethor. He was kind, fair, and hopeful. He wasn't the soldier Boromir was, but he definitely had great strength as a man. For when he had captured Frodo, Sam, and the Ring, he did not try to take the Ring from Frodo. This was unlike Boromir who tried to take the Ring. Faramir resisted the temptation of power and so in this respect he was stronger than Boromir.
TORN Chat!
6 years ago
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