King Theoden of Rohan ruled one of the most difficult ages of the Rohirrim. For a few years, his mind was enslaved by Rohan's enemy Saruman. He was later freed from this by Gandalf. But during this time he lost his only son, Theodred, which means his nephew, Eomer, took the throne after his death.
After Theoden was freed by Gandalf from his slavery, he feared an attack upon the city of Edoras. So he had Eowyn lead his people to Dunharrow while his army rode to Helms Deep, the great fortress of Rohan. When they made it to Helms Deep, news was brought to him of the huge size of Saruman's orc army that approached. At this the men fell into despair, yet their hopes were lifted by the leadership of Aragorn, heir of Isildur.
This battle lasted through a dark night. At daybreak, Gandalf the White brought Erkenbrand and his men to the aid of the King, and the orcs, filled with fear, fled into a forest. Except that forest wasn't there the day before! In fact, the Ents from Fangorn had moved the huorn forest there to aid King Theoden. And the huorns killed all the remaining orcs.
After this, Theoden rode to Dunharrow, but a short while later Hirgon of Gondor delivered the Red Arrow, a call for aid. And so Theoden rode to the aid of Gondor. He and 6,000 men rode to Gondor, and there fought the massive army of orcs that had come to take over the city. Here, in the Field of Gondor, Theoden died. The Nazgul had attacked his horse, Snowmane, and he got a mortal wound and fell on Theoden, his master. After the battle of Gondor was won, the men of Rohan and Gondor buried Theoden with the Kings of Gondor. But later on he was moved back to Edoras, and now rests with all the Kings of Rohan. Theoden was a mighty man, he made up for his years enslaved by fighting and winning renown at the battles of Rohan and Gondor. He also shows his giving nature in the fact that he rode to the aid of Gondor. Theoden was one of the mighty Kings of Gondor.
TORN Chat!
6 years ago
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