Eomer is Eowyn's brother, and he is the nephew of King Theoden. He is a great military leader, a wonderful horseman, and his men are extremely loyal to him. His helmet has white horse hair on it, and his sword is named Guthwine (friend in battle). In battle he carries the banner of a white horse running on green ground. During the enslavement of King Theoden's mind, Eomer and his company rode across the fields of Rohan in order to kill any orcs that were there. During this time he met Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli who were tracking some orcs that had taken Merry and Pippen captive. Here Eomer learned that Aragorn was the true king of Gondor, and this gave him much hope for the future. And although the laws of his country state that only people with the King's permission can ride across the fields of Rohan, he let the Fellowship continue on, and also gave them horses.
Soon afterwards, Gandalf rode in search of Eomer and his men. He found them and told them of Saruman's army. Eomer immediately lead his men to Helms Deep and the battle was won. Soon after this they were riding to war again, for Gondor had called for aid to fight the thousands of orcs that had come onto the plains of Minis Tirith. In this battle King Theoden was killed, but first he named Eomer as his sucessor to the throne. When this battle was over, Eomer remained in the city, and went with Aragorn and his men to the Black Gate, a move which was a diversion in order to give Frodo a chance at destroying the Ring. This Battle was also a victory, and after this Eomer returned to Rohan and married Lothuriel. They had a son that they named Elfwine. And Eomer lived a long life and died when he was 93.
sweet blog
i heart this dude.
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